You find a stock that has formed a great base and is ready to break out. You are certain it will. You also know that some stocks zoom through pivots very fast, so you decide to buy in anticipation in order to take full advantage of the impending breakout. As soon as you do, YOU are ready for the stock to break out. You start wishing it to. But it just won't. You root for it, become another cheerleader on stock message boards but the stock hesitates and wobbles, refusing to go through the pivot. Then it starts sagging.
Yep, you heard me right, The yield on the 10 year "Auzzie" Treasury Bond is today at a yield of 5.84% Wow that is over 200 basis points higher yield what the US 10yr Treasury issue yields today (a skinny 3.74%.) That is a killer deal just in terms of the spread to the same maturity given that we are talking fixed income. The Auzzie yr is a Coupon that matures in and forex mentor is trading at a discount As of the close of today's trading it can be purchased at per million. Now like all treasury issues you can buy in smaller amounts, but the yield will be different as that is an odd lot.
Well, let's see... Justin Beiber has sold over 15 million albums so far and Marc Anthony has two Grammy awards under his belt so, they both have a little bit of clout. In Bieber's defense his fans could care less about forex signals Melodyne and there is no way they're going to miss seeing him on the show this season. Ka-ching!
News trading can be done during market hours and is difficult to time right. Most major banks and investment banks know when something is happening with the company, since their analysts get the most current information and can post a buy/sell/hold on that particular stock. They will most likely open, close or block trade a position based on their Analyst's and Portfolio Manager's recommendation, which is usually before the average person can get in or out of that particular security.
Using a reliable scalping system makes scalping in the forex market so much simpler. The rules of whatever forex scalping strategy you have can be programmed into the automated scalping system. And then, the automated Ribakov system can be left to do your forex scalping for you. Select an automated system that can be trusted on to do your strategy on a per-tick basis. A good forex scalping system can make money for you more than a day trader can. Better still, having an automated forex scalping system works really well as you do not anymore need to see the market and keep on performing your trades.
Brokers make money on spreads and commissions. When your turnover is very large, your broker make a lot of money from your trading. Is there a way to get a discount or cashback on all this money your broker is making from your auto forex system trading?
So you have a duration that is 20 years shorter and you get currency appreciation that will see a realistic move of at least 7% to as much as 20% over the next 10 years !